2.8 Million TBI patients annually in the U.S.

Roughly 2.8 million hospitalizations in the United States annually are a direct result of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These can result from any form of blunt force trauma, such as after car crashes or large falls. Over 5 million Americans currently live with a TBI-related disability.
$77 Billion market potential

Medical devices relating to the treatment of TBIs is a $77 billion market that has not yet been tapped into in a meaningful way. As such, the BrainDome will be a truly innovative product that will revolutionize this particular space of the market.
About a third of cases are projected to benefit from BrainDOME

Here at Cereputics, we believe the BrainDome will have a positive impact on about a third of all cases. We also project peak sales of about $3.5 billion year over year in the United States market

Our Mission

Traumatic brain inury is the number one killer of teens and young adults. Our mission at Cereputics is to create an innovative surgical device that presents a completely novel approach to improving survival and recovery for victims of traumatic brain injury.

Watch our 2 minute pitch below to see how we are shaping the future.

The Current Solution: Decompressive Craniectomy

A decompressive craniectomy is a surgical method in which a neurosurgeon cuts a small hole in the skull in order to relieve Intracranial Pressure (ICP). A major issue with this procedure is that there is a 26.4% 30-day mortality rate among patients who undergo a decompressive craniectomy. 79.2% of these deaths are due to uncontrollable swelling, which occurs even after decompression. Currently, there are no devices on the market that aim to help reduce this extremely high rate.

Our Solution: The BrainDOME

The BrainDOME will enhance the current method of treating TBIs by allowing for a larger hole to be cut, and for the brain to decrompress completely before the skull is placed back on. Here at Cereputics, we believe the BrainDome will allow for a more effective treatment of TBI, and improve on the Decompressive Craniectomy procedure.